Body Assessment

You will get a full body massage and we’ll get to examine and get to know your body in light of its strength and weakness. Assessing the tone of your skin and muscles and checking your posture. We can then help you know your body needs.

We will help you understand your body more. To know which parts of your body need the stretch to lengthen and relax. And which parts need to be strengthened. Which parts need to be drained and the parts that need to be shaped. According to the assessment we can develop a program to help serve your specific needs. We can determine whether you need to follow a detox or diet. Which exercises and sports would be best for you. And which treatments and habits will help you attain the balance you seek.

The massage will last 60 mins and the rest of the time we’ll take to explain your body needs, show your some exercises and give you some tips. And if you would like to discuss a treatment plan, we can also find some time for that!

Posture, work, habits, hobbies, sports and physical activity are really important to assess your body. Simply speaking, its analysing your body’s needs and seeking out a compassionate approach to meet these needs.

Most probably you already feel it! For instance, the shoulder pain from sitting behind the computer for hours. Well there are so many fun ways to improve posture and habits and bring some lightness to life! And life is an adventure! Let’s think of it as an adventure and a journey!

Duration and cost:

Body assessment 75 min: €100